Soul care sessions & shamanic oracle

We are the mirror as well as the face in it.
We are the tasting and the taste this minute of eternity.
We are pain and what cures pain, both.
We are the sweet cold water and the jar that pours.
Our potential is infinite.
When we ask for support,
when we open our heart and surrender,
we are guided with infinite love by the invisible.
As an humble channel and witness, I am honored to support you on your path towards yourself, towards your essence.
Soul Care sessions
The sessions are tailored for you in the now, with what is alive and rising in the moment in your heart-body-mind-soul, in your energy field and your surrounding environment.
I use different tools, gathered on my path as a traveler between realms, a shape shifter, on my life-long healing & learning journey.
During the session, we use our sensoriality and extra-sensoriality to receive information and transmutations. We get to understand a situation from a higher perspective and bring movement in our stuckness.

We may :
- bring to our consciousness, ease or release energy blockages that create suffering in our life (emotional, psychic, physical pain).
- transmute energy cords to ease our relationships (with people, animals, spaces, companies, projects, etc.)
- release entities
- communicate with our higher self, guides, ancestors, deceased people, animals, plants, the spirit of a place, group’s entities (communities, companies, etc.)
- clean our home, workspace or any physical place, and raise the frequency of this space.
- reclaim the soul fragments we may have lost on the way and liberate ourselves from those of others we carry along
- open ourselves to receive inspirational visions and unveil abilities we did not knew we had…

During our time together, we are in constant contact and feed-back, while in a deep relaxation state (altered state of consciousness, non-ordinary reality, theta brainwaves).
You shall receive information through your body (sensations, emotions) or in the form of images, sounds, smells.
You are asked to be receptive and open to what is, to what emerges in you, to allow yourself to feel without trying to understand with your mind.
Please note that if spiritual work helps us to understand our life path and ease physical condition when necessary, it is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. It is a complementary tool to self-care, personal practices, body work and therapy.

Practical information
I offer phone sessions and sessions in person.
A session lasts approximately 1h30 (depending on what rises, it can be shorter or longer).
We can do one or several sessions according to your needs. Integration time in between sessions is important. I recommend to work with series of 3 sessions.
I am always available to answer questions that may rise after the session.
It is not necessary to send me a picture of you. The connection is done even if I do not see you or do not know you.
The session is for you, not for another adult. No work is done on another adult on your behalf. When you work on yourlsef, your relationship to others get adjusted.
Sessions on children are done through a parent.
Please contact me by email , Telegram, Signal or Whatsapp, to set an appointment. Please mention : your intentions, your availability and a phone number.

Shamanic Oracle

If you are busy with a specific question and wish for a simple reading, you may ask for an oracle reading. I will make offerings to the invisible on your behalf and create a personalised altar to open the portals for your specific question. I draw some cards, contact shamanic allies for you, and bring back some answers.
These readings are done by distance, offline : I journey for you with my drum and send you an audio message afterwards with the spirits’ messages, a photo of your altar and some cards readings.
This is the preliminary step I do for all Soul Care sessions.
You can choose to receive this step, and use the messages you receive for your inner work or to foster the therapeutic work with your therapist/coach.
Oracle reading can also be used to connect to the spirit of a place (your home, your land,…) or an organisation (company, association, community…)
NB: These readings are not intended to predict the future, which is the intimate conjunction of our destiny and our free will. They are not medical advices or business advices either.
How to book a reading ?
Send me a email with your request or contact me by text message on +33782269919 (Telegram, Signal, Whatsapp, and sms)

Energy exchange
Oracle :
Take a moment to drop into inner silence and check within what you can invest from 25€ onward.
Soul Care session :
Take a moment to drop into inner silence and check within what you can contribute between 45€ and 100€.
Choose the amount most appropriate to your financial reality within the sliding scale, taking a moment of conscious reflection in inner silence.
If you experience financial scarcity just ask how much you can contribute and/or if there is something you could trade instead of money.
Any generous amount allows others less fortunate to pay less. In any case, you are supporting the sustainability of my work. Thank you.
How to send your heart gift ?

By paypal :
(please chose the option : send money to a person you trust / friend)
or by bank transfer :
Crédito Agricola (Portugal)
IBAN : PT50 0045 6332 4033 6023 4794 0
Some testimonials
“My two experiences with Anaïs were deep, powerful, cleansing, true and one of the most valuable experiences I had in my healing journey. Her kindness, open heart, sincerity and commitment guided me through my dark and most sensitive parts with love, respect, nurture and peace. She is the woman I know I can count on when l need my soul to heal.”
“Anaïs, I wanted to thank you, it has helped profoundly.”
” Thank you for your time and attention. I am amazed how clear it is that this work is weaved in you… You ARE that work .”
” I am very happy with the work we did. The pain is gone. I feel a lot better. I did work with many coaches and energy workers and for me you are one of the most powerful ones I have ever work with. I feel how our work is transforming me. Maybe it’s the technique but I feel it’s your presence and how much you involve yourself into the work.”
” Thank you so much Anaïs. Feeling lots of gratitude and warmth after our session ! ”
(read more testimony on the french page)
You are loved, you are love.