Upcoming Events : see Calendar

My body of work
revolves around
soul re-partnering
& presence
to weave & nourish
our well-being
& connections
between earth and sky
between sky and earth
We may journey together
To book a session or for more details,
contact me
anais (at) anaistamen.com
In Lak’ech Al akin
I am another you,
you are another me.
~ Mayan wisdom

We can only touch spontaneity when we let go of dogma, old beliefs, old certitude’s, because these things are what prevents the body to move freely.
Then the body finds space to express completely.
Tantrikas do not create beliefs or compare beliefs, they destroy beliefs, to expand completely, to be a part of the wave – everything is a wave, starting at the cellular level to the cosmic level – to breath completely, to unfold in all directions.
picture from Bela Escuridao, dance & poetry performance with Louise Chardon.

To book a session or for more details
contact me