Shiatsu is a therapeutic massage from Japan :
Shi means finger, and
Atsu means pressure.
Shiatsu is deeply connected to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Anma (the traditional Japanese massage performed by blind masseurs).
Receiving shiatsu provides a great relaxation by freeing the flow of energy in the body. A better flow of energy creates a powerful feeling of relaxation and calmness and helps restore the body-mind-soul’s harmony.
Shiatsu helps to relieve common disorders such as :
- tiredness, stress and anxiety
- digestive and elimination troubles
- sleep problems
- muscle and joint stiffness
- emotional struggles (anger, sadness, fear, grief, dullness, dispiritedness, heavyheartedness,…)
- chronic pain and disorders
Shiatsu is a path of self-knowledge, as it brings light to our blind spots and shadows, and regulates our emotions.
Who can get a shiatsu massage ?
Shiatsu is beneficial to all including children and pregnant women.
What happens during a session ?
Shiatsu massage is given over the clothes. Natural fabric and confortable loose trousers (not a jean) are the best to receive a treatment.

A session lasts around 1h30 (sharing + 1h massage + integration time)
The therapist performs a series of pressure, palpation and stretching with the thumbs, palms, or elbows, on the whole body along the meridians.
What is a meridian?
Meridians are energy channels that distribute different types of energy in our body. Energy can be understood as a flow of life that create and activate all the cells of our body (muscles, organs, body fluids, bones, etc.).
Traditional Chinese Medecine, from which shiatsu derivates, has put to light and codified the different types of energies and their interaction in our being.
Stress and unhealthy habits create imbalances in the flow of energy in our being. These imbalances generate emotional troubles, psychosomatic illnesses, chronic disorders or pain.
The shiatsu therapist helps to regulate the flow of energy in the patient’s body by dispersing it or boosting it. A better flow of energy creates a powerful feeling of relaxation and calmness, and helps restore the body-mind-soul’s harmony.
How often should I get a shiatsu massage?
The asian perception of medicine is different from the western one. Traditionnal medecine (including massages) and personal practices, such as martial arts, yoga, dô-in or qi-gong, are used to preserve good health rather than to cure the dysfunctions of the body and mind.
As such, shiatsu is a very good preventive therapy and you are most welcome to get a shiatsu massage whenever you feel the call for it (without the need to treat a specific issue).
Getting a shiatsu massage can be a great support in anticipation of big transition and events in our life (like exams for students) and also to help you to get through those events peacefully. Shiatsu is also recommended to boost your immune system during winter and to help you body to adjust to seasonal changes.
How to prepare for a session?
To enjoy your shiatsu massage, wear comfortable clothes (no tight jeans). Avoid eating just before receiving a shiatsu. You may want to enjoy this relaxing experience by freeing your agenda afterwards or at least not planning too many commitments.
Is Shiatsu recognised as a medicine ?
On 29 May 1997, the European Parliament recognized shiatsu as a « non-conventional medicine of interest » along with osteopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (resolution A4-0075/97) .