flyer event cleansing-illuminating-dreaming


a poetic journey with voice activation, dance and meditation
with Zsofi and Anaïs
Friday 31st of January
Monte Maravilhas
São Martinho das Amoreiras

On the night before Imbolc, the return of the light, we invite you to pause together.
To soften and deepen our listening and sensitivity.
Letting our breath guides us, letting our voice vibrate us.

Zsofi will guide us through voice activation and a guided micro dance around the 7 main chakras to cleanse and energizing our body. Then Anaïs will offer a poetic soundscape to hold each of us into our unique inner journey. Soft & dreamy. We will close by meditating together. To land back in consciousness and connection.

Reservation necessary
Limited spots to ensure cosyness
Energy exchange : 20-40€*

*contact us if you experience financial scarcity

+33782269919 / +351966486923


About us:

Zsofi is a massage & dance therapist, aquatic bodyworker and musician. She has more than 15 years of practice with the healing aspects of the sounds and loves to create soundscapes for CI dance workshops. She has been the collaborator of Shai Dayan for Voice Being (the school of self-inquiry through voice). In the last years Zsofi is researching the combination of aquatic body work with voice activation work.

Anaïs is a movement researcher active in Alentejo since 2017 who loves escorting beings on their path to presence and authenticity through movement enquiry, dance, body work and soul care. She is known for her eclectic soundscapes and her deep, brave & free dance spaces. Anaïs is devoted to the heart, the wilderness and untamed feral expressions. Certified Open Floor teacher. Shape-shifter, writer, tree planter, oracle.

Looking forward to sharing this space with you!


authentic body poetry ritual

a weekly online inner space retreat (6 sessions)
held by Villy Tichkova & Anaïs Tamen

January: 15th, 22th, 29th
February :12th, 19th, 26th

Online 9.30-11.00 GMT (UK/PT)
You can check your local time here :  Time Zone Converter 

Open to all body-souls who enjoy exploring movement and words.
No pre-requisite

Come if you feel moved :

To dance, to write, to draw
To feel your heart beat
To explore your masks
To nourish loving kindness,
and a sense of joy and ease in the different layers of your being

Registration : please fill the form here below.

If you have any question, please email us : and/or

Villy and Anaïs are both Open Floor Teachers, lovers of words and therapists (with homeopathy for Villy, and with soul and body work for Anaïs).

Energy exchange :

Please select the most fitted amount according to your financial reality. Contact us if you need clarity or assistance.

Price for 6 sessions:

– Re-balancing rate 120€ – Support others to join
You have savings or investments and can afford travel/go on vacations.

– Sustainable rate 90€ – Ensure the sustainability of our work
You have a stable income or access to financial support, you can afford occasional treats.

– Access rate 60€ – Be supported by the dancing community
You live on irregular low local incomes in a country with similar or lower living conditions as Bulgaria and Portugal.

Drop-in: 15-20€

You can send your contribution in euro by Paypal: or by bank transfer to Portugal: IBAN PT50 0045 6332 4033 6023 4794 0 // BIC CCCMPTPL
If you want to pay in £ please contact me directly, or use Wise:

“I want to express my gratitude and wonder on how deep this session was. The texture of the music, the expertise and skills, the instructions you gave with the music… It was so progressive and I got into such a deep place, I never been there, really. it was amazingly healing. I was able to laugh, to cry and to release things I had never been able to. It was really shamanic work of immense quality and depth.”
– METAMORPHOSIS’ participant, October 2024.

It’s unique what you do and each time it’s different, which is really great, it’s always new. I want to continue!
– METAMORPHOSIS’ participant, October 2024.

About Villy :

Villy is fascinated with paradoxes, her favourite – the conscious wild leap between identities and forms.   She hunts poems for breakfast, lunches on the boundaries of the unknown, and for dinner she dances and digs into the hidden light of the night.

Villy holds a master degree in Creative Writing.

About Anaïs :

Anaïs is a shape shifter, a dreamer, who loves to explore the space in between realms. A playful lover of wilderness, birds, trees, the invisible & the unnamed. A vigil and tender of heart-soul subtleties & feral expressions.

Anaïs holds space for movement explorations since 2007, in nature, online, in closed spaces, for deep-diving dance ceremonies.

Looking forward to dancing & exploring with you !


Please fill in your details below.
If you have any question or if you don’t hear from us after 2 days, please email us : and/or

Are you on Telegram with this number ?
Are you booking for the whole journey ? (6 sessions)
If you book for the whole journey, please select the amount of your contribution
Drop-in dates (please seletc the dates you want to attend)
How did you hear about METAMORPHOSIS?

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Bring your friends along!
Share METAMOPHOSIS on Mighty Network or on Facebook.

Grief Ritual – online

original artwork : Maria Louceiro

Grief ritual in movement
Friday 27.09
10am-12 BST (Lisbon/London time)

A dedicated held time for you to grieve and praise, to mourn and dance all the colours stirred and revealed.

Whether you are grieving the state of the world, someone dear to your heart, honouring a gate in your life,… there is place for you and your emotions.

We will circle together, honouring individual and collective grief, with emphasis on body-wisdom and presence, more than storytelling.

What to expect : movements and dance, with and without music, guided and free, some sounding, some journaling, some humour too. Lots of space for your own process and rhythm.

Blending contemplative practices, Authentic Movement and Open Floor movement practice, to create a safe explorative container.

With gentleness, loving kindness and reverence for what is.

Reservations : or telegram @openheartsdance (early reservations are always very appreciated).

Heart gift : 15-25€ or swap.
If you experience financial scarcity, please contact me and feel welcome for a smaller contribution.

What to bring :

  • Water to drink
  • Your journal if you have one, some paper, a pen, some colours
  • Any comforting object (special blanket, pillow, precious stone to hold in your hand, etc…).
  • Elements of nature – more info about that when you register (so don’t wait for the last minute ! )

Preparing your dance space :

You will need :

  • A space vast enough to move in the comfort of your home, in nature, or any other undisturbed safe place
  • A computer. It’s much better to connect via your computer than your phone to have access to all the features of Zoom. Phone is ok if that’s what you have access to.
  • A good soundbox, sound-system, or wireless headphones
  • Comfy layers of clothes you enjoy to move in and with.

Looking forward to sharing this space with you.


Unfurling motherhood stories
with Anaïs Tamen & Jade Hamilton
Wednesday 29th of November
10am – 2pm (+ post-space until 3pm)
Monte Maravilhas
São Martinho

We invite you to dive into your womb*, hearing her wisdom and memories.

Exploring and allowing ALL of your stories around motherhood, conception, pregnancy, birth, loss and health.

A 4 hour cocoon for you to be held and witnessed, as you are. 

Through body-based practices, we will guide you to sound, move and speak out what rises in you, in the now, from your depths.

Reservation necessary via : @jadehamilton+351963786506

Energy exchange : 30-50€

More about us :

Artwork : Ashley Blanton

* this space is also open to trans-womyn, non-binary AFAB, and womyn who had hysterectomy.

Beautiful Darkness – dance videos

Triana #2Octobre 2021 (text in french, dance video under the full moon)

Pre-verbal grief danced rituals

#3 – May 2021 (dance video)
Music : Gustavo Santaolalla – De Ushuaia A La Quiaca

#2 – April 2021 (dance, video)
Music : DakhaBrakha – Specially for you

#1 – March 2021 (dance, video)
Music : DakhaBrakha – Specially for you

Beautiful darkness is also a performance and a book, available in French and in Portuguese.

Beautiful darkness est aussi une performance et un livre, disponible en français et en portugais.

Bela Escuridão é também uma performance e um livro, disponível em francês e em português.

I am free

Spontaneous and very quick creation for an Open Floor Teacher Training’s assignment.
Spoken words, nature sounds & drums, movement. February 2022.