movement language & creation
Monday morning 10-12
from the 30/09
Espaço Movimento
São Luis

with Louise Chardon & Anaïs Tamen
in alternate dancing dialogue & creation.

It’s for you if : you wish to unfold further your movement skills and creative potential, and are interested to relate to the cellular/collective aspect of dance/movement.

What to expect : an alternance of teaching and research.

Every other Monday, Louise will teach Motional : a choreographic language she developed.

And every other Monday, Anaïs will offer choreographic teasers and scores for you to explore and embody, appropriate what you learned with Louise.

What is Motional :

Motional addresses the most physical as well as the most vibrational aspects of movement. It approaches the body as a genuine and sensitive landscape, rooted into breath, permeated by resonances, and immersed into connectivity. We dance the depth of bones, folds of flesh, layers of skin and all embodied poetics.

space limited
50€/month (= 4 session = 12,5€/session)
15-20€ drop-in

More info about us
Louise : amandorla.pt
Anaïs : anaistamen.com


Louise : amandorla.pt

Anaïs : anaistamen.com+33782269919

READY TO BOOK ? Please fill this form. If you don’t hear back from us within 48h, please contact us by other channels, to make sure your answer was not lost 🙂

Are you using the app Telegram?
Are you willing to car-share ?
Do you want to join as drop-in or with a monthly pass


authentic body poetry ritual
held by Villy Tichkova & Anaïs Tamen

Wednesday morning :
18th & 25th of September – 9th & 23rd of October
10.30-12.00 (UK time)
 Open to all. No pre-requisite
What to expect :
To feel your heart beat,
because if the ‘soul is alone in what the soul sees’, the heart needs companions.
To explore your masks,
because authenticity hides in the edges of mystery.
To spread joy under your skin,
because laughter is the kindest way to approach your ego.
To draw and create,
because transparency comes through visibility.

Energy exchange : 
Serie of 4 sessions : 44 – 70€ // £32-62
JOIN US FOR THE LAST 3 sessions : 33 – 55€ // £27-46

Registration by email vtich@icloud.com and/or anais@anaistamen.com
Villy and Anaïs are both Open Floor Teachers, lovers of words and wounded healers.
About Villy :
Villy is fascinated with paradoxes, her favourite : the conscious wild leap between identities and forms.
She hunts poems for breakfast, lunches on the boundaries of the unknown, and for dinner she loves to dance and dig into the hidden light of the night.
About Anaïs :
Anaïs is a shape shifter, a dreamer, who loves to explore the space in between realms. A playful lover of wilderness, birds, trees, the invisible & the unnamed. A vigil and tender of heart-soul subtleties & feral expressions. 


Looking forward dancing & exploring with you.

Grief Ritual – online

original artwork : Maria Louceiro

Grief ritual in movement
Friday 27.09
10am-12 BST (Lisbon/London time)

A dedicated held time for you to grieve and praise, to mourn and dance all the colours stirred and revealed.

Whether you are grieving the state of the world, someone dear to your heart, honouring a gate in your life,… there is place for you and your emotions.

We will circle together, honouring individual and collective grief, with emphasis on body-wisdom and presence, more than storytelling.

What to expect : movements and dance, with and without music, guided and free, some sounding, some journaling, some humour too. Lots of space for your own process and rhythm.

Blending contemplative practices, Authentic Movement and Open Floor movement practice, to create a safe explorative container.

With gentleness, loving kindness and reverence for what is.

Reservations : anais@anaistamen.com or telegram @openheartsdance (early reservations are always very appreciated).

Heart gift : 15-25€ or swap.
If you experience financial scarcity, please contact me and feel welcome for a smaller contribution.

What to bring :

  • Water to drink
  • Your journal if you have one, some paper, a pen, some colours
  • Any comforting object (special blanket, pillow, precious stone to hold in your hand, etc…).
  • Elements of nature – more info about that when you register (so don’t wait for the last minute ! )

Preparing your dance space :

You will need :

  • A space vast enough to move in the comfort of your home, in nature, or any other undisturbed safe place
  • A computer. It’s much better to connect via your computer than your phone to have access to all the features of Zoom. Phone is ok if that’s what you have access to.
  • A good soundbox, sound-system, or wireless headphones
  • Comfy layers of clothes you enjoy to move in and with.

Looking forward to sharing this space with you.



Guided version

Prepare a nice dancing spot for yourself, where you feel safe and comfy, play this track and explore. Repeat as much as you like.

Music : Richard Skelton – The Complete Landings
02 Noon Hill Wood
04 Threads Over The River

Kit for autonomous research

If you don’t like to be guided, here is a music-only track and the text of the Butoh-Fu (danced invitation) :


you are silk
a spider is stretching you very slowly
in the space
each movement leaves a silver trace in the space
as you reach the end
you roll yourself back into a cocoon
in the cocoon you become an unborn human baby
you discover your limbs, your mouths, your hands, the sole of your foot
in the space
your hands discover your face for the first time
your face is ancient
you feel time
you feel all your life under your hands
your hands explore your body
hold, rest, feel
they perform their own ritual of honoring time
on your body
honoring your life


Spontaneous solo home dance practice + spoken words.

These words emerged during a dance & poetry session held by Villy Tichkova.

I am not I
I am it
the infinite field of grasshoppers
the infinite ripples of water circles
the infinite song in your mouth

I am it
the wind
the grasshopper
the pebble

I am it
your breathe
my breathe
the eyelids of my babies
opening to the world

the wolf
the deer
the gold

I am it
the unspoken
the bare truth
the raw light of love

I am it
your no
my yes
and everything in between

(25th March 2024)


My skin is the sky*
an infinite shadow of dust, leaves and pebbles. Some feathers maybe. Fallen grace in the absence of gaze. I would remember the sound of joy if you would scream my name.
Home. Nest. My skin as a soft nest for you for me.
I wish you could witness the gold on my heart skin.

(25th March 2024)

Notes :

* this sentence is not from me
** “underskin tatooes” is a reference to Audre Lorde in “Zami, a new spelling of my name”, who describes the memory of her lover as emotional tattoos left on her skin forever.


Unfurling motherhood stories
with Anaïs Tamen & Jade Hamilton
Wednesday 29th of November
10am – 2pm (+ post-space until 3pm)
Monte Maravilhas
São Martinho

We invite you to dive into your womb*, hearing her wisdom and memories.

Exploring and allowing ALL of your stories around motherhood, conception, pregnancy, birth, loss and health.

A 4 hour cocoon for you to be held and witnessed, as you are. 

Through body-based practices, we will guide you to sound, move and speak out what rises in you, in the now, from your depths.

Reservation necessary via : @jadehamilton+351963786506

Energy exchange : 30-50€

More about us :

Artwork : Ashley Blanton

* this space is also open to trans-womyn, non-binary AFAB, and womyn who had hysterectomy.

Bela Escuridão

Rituais-performance de luto com dança e poesia


Unfurling motherhood stories
Sunday 8th of October
Aniche land
(São luis/Pegos/Monte d’Estrada)

Choosing to listen to the Wisdom of your Womb, allowing your own stories of motherhood to unfold.

Anaïs and Jade will hold space for this deeply tender work, to allow you to remember and listen to the stories kept in your depths, in words and movements.

A 4 hour cocoon for you to be held and witnessed, as you are, in your stories of birth, loss, pregnancy, longings, grief, choices, surrendering, delight and joy.

Reservation necessary via :

Jade +351963786506

or Anaïs +351966486923

Energy exchange : 30-40€

More info about us :

Artwork : Ashley Blanton

Rooted in Rooted in Belonging

Grief and Praise Ritual for Womyn*
Held by Anais Tamen and Rivi Marcus

Thursday 5th of October
Monte Maravilhas (São Martinho das Amoreiras)

We invite you to gather in community,
to witness, to tend and give space
to what wants to move through you.

We will explore the different undercurrents of our lives
through movement, grief ritual, and connection to nature.
Our time together will be rooted in Joanna Macy and Francis Weller’s work,
Authentic Movement and earth-based practicing.

Practicalities :

Energy exchange : 50-70€
Please reach out if money prevents you from joining.

Reservations required with Rivi
Telegram : @rivimarcus
or Whatsapp : +17203269290

More about us :

Anais Tamen is a movement facilitator, energy & bodyworker. Her dance spaces invites to presence and to the senses, to honour what is, release & replenish.

Rivi Marcus is a community weaver, a land and human tender, a descendant of wise ancestors, a facilitator, and a ritualist. She came to the sacred landscape of ritual and liberation through her own journey. A journey through ecosystems, listening to people and the land, Joana Macy’s work – to learn and embody what it means to be in right relationship on this planet, in these times. Rivi is passionate about food justice, movement, and nature-based education. She is currently studying with Francis Weller.

#grief #ritual #movement #connectiontonature #earthbased
#saomartinho #odemira #alentejo
#joanamacy #francisweller #authenticmovement

Painting: Lisa Wright