“Through our ability to acknowledge
the layers of loss,
we can truly discover our capacity
to respond, to protect,
and to restore what has been damaged.”
“Grief and love are sisters,
woven together from the beginning.
Their kinship reminds us that there is no love that does not contain loss,
and no loss that is not a reminder of the love we carry of what we once held close.”
Francis Weller
Grief and Praise Ritual for Womyn*
Held by Anais Tamen and Rivi Marcus
Thursday 5th of October
Monte Maravilhas (São Martinho das Amoreiras)
We invite you to gather in community,
to witness, to tend and give space
to what wants to move through you.
We will explore the different undercurrents of our lives
through movement, grief ritual, and connection to nature.
Our time together will be rooted in Joanna Macy and Francis Weller’s work,
Authentic Movement and earth-based practicing.
Practicalities :
Energy exchange : 50-70€
Please reach out if money prevents you from joining.
Reservations required with Rivi
Telegram : @rivimarcus
or Whatsapp : +17203269290
More about us :
Anais Tamen is a movement facilitator, energy & bodyworker. Her dance spaces invites to presence and to the senses, to honour what is, release & replenish.
Rivi Marcus is a community weaver, a land and human tender, a descendant of wise ancestors, a facilitator, and a ritualist. She came to the sacred landscape of ritual and liberation through her own journey. A journey through ecosystems, listening to people and the land, Joana Macy’s work – to learn and embody what it means to be in right relationship on this planet, in these times. Rivi is passionate about food justice, movement, and nature-based education. She is currently studying with Francis Weller.
#grief #ritual #movement #connectiontonature #earthbased
#saomartinho #odemira #alentejo
#joanamacy #francisweller #authenticmovement
Painting: Lisa Wright