PULSE movement language & creation Monday morning 10-12 from the 30/09 Espaço Movimento São Luis
with Louise Chardon & Anaïs Tamen in alternate dancing dialogue & creation
It’s for you if :
you wish to unfold further your movement skills and creative potential, and are interested to relate to the cellular/collective aspect of dance/movement.
What to expect :
an alternance of teaching and research.
Every other Monday, Louise will teach Motional : a choreographic language she developed.
And every other Monday, Anaïs will offer choreographic teasers and scores for you to explore and embody, appropriate what you learned with Louise.
What is Motional :
Motional addresses the most physical as well as the most vibrational aspects of movement. It approaches the body as a genuine and sensitive landscape, rooted into breath, permeated by resonances, and immersed into connectivity. We dance the depth of bones, folds of flesh, layers of skin and all embodied poetics.
space limited 50€/month (= 4 session = 12,5€/session) 15-20€ drop-in
READY TO BOOK ? Please fill this form. If you don’t hear back from us within 48h, please contact us by other channels, to make sure your answer was not lost 🙂
Music : Richard Skelton – The Complete Landings 02 Noon Hill Wood 04 Threads Over The River
Kit for autonomous research
If you don’t like to be guided, here is a music-only track and the text of the Butoh-Fu (danced invitation) :
you are silk a spider is stretching you very slowly in the space each movement leaves a silver trace in the space as you reach the end you roll yourself back into a cocoon in the cocoon you become an unborn human baby you discover your limbs, your mouths, your hands, the sole of your foot in the space your hands discover your face for the first time your face is ancient you feel time you feel all your life under your hands your hands explore your body hold, rest, feel they perform their own ritual of honoring time on your body honoring your life
Spontaneous solo home dance practice + spoken words.
These words emerged during a dance & poetry session held by Villy Tichkova.
I am not I I am it the infinite field of grasshoppers the infinite ripples of water circles the infinite song in your mouth
I am it the wind the grasshopper the pebble
I am it your breathe my breathe the eyelids of my babies opening to the world
the wolf the deer the gold
I am it the unspoken the bare truth the raw light of love
I am it your no my yes and everything in between
(25th March 2024)
My skin is the sky* an infinite shadow of dust, leaves and pebbles. Some feathers maybe. Fallen grace in the absence of gaze. I would remember the sound of joy if you would scream my name. (…) Home. Nest. My skin as a soft nest for you for me. (…) LAUGHING EMPTY. LOVING EMPTY. FUCKING UNDERSKIN TATTOOS. FUCKING UNDERSKIN TATOOS. (…) I wish you could witness the gold on my heart skin.
(25th March 2024)
Notes :
* this sentence is not from me ** “underskin tatooes” is a reference to Audre Lorde in “Zami, a new spelling of my name”, who describes the memory of her lover as emotional tattoos left on her skin forever.
LIBIDO FUNDAMENTALS Open Floor Embodied Sexuality playshop with Monika Körschner 23.24.25 February Alentejo (Portugal)
Dancing with the flow of life force, exploring sexual energy as a source of creativity, vitality, presence & aliveness.
A 3-days dive, moving, experiencing & relaxing in being together in a closed group, in the safe womb of Monte Maravilhas’ yurt, in the heart of wild Alentejo
Our creative sexual energy is an essential part of our body’s natural expression and movement potential. Open Floor LIBIDO FUNDAMENTALS invites us to sense, move and integrate more fully this life force in all areas of your life.
From the first cells that evolve us into being, to the deep surrender of our last exhale, our lifespan is infused with libido. When sexual energy is acknowledged, supported and expressed authentically, our potential for healing is immense and empowering. We honour our whole self.
Dance awakens this potent energy in ways that can be electrifying, joyful, overwhelming, frightening, mystifying, and everything in between. Because sexuality is so often underground, ignored, or unconsciously acted out, the exploration of this territory tends to be intense, liberating, intimate and powerful.
Through Open Floor conscious dance we create an safe, sex positive environment to engage in this complex, mysterious and in-depth investigation with curiosity, mindfulness and compassion. We seek to understand how sexuality is shaped by culture, narratives, and social conditioning, and we explore ways to liberate ourselves as we move towards erotic wholeness.
We explore this lively, sometimes latent energy of libido with curiosity and mindfulness using the Open Floor Core Movement Ressources.
We open up physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual terrains of our life force. Next to intensive movement practices we will explore through related exercises, enquiries, sharings, and specific transmissions to deepen and integrate our experience.
There is no explicit sexual content or exercises.
Have a little taste of what you may encounter with this introduction film about Open Floor’s work on Embodied Sexuality :
LIBIDO programs are open to all adults regardless of their gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and relationship status. We strive to co-create an environment that is inclusive, curious and expansive, and honours the experiences each person’s presence.
To participate you need some experience with conscious dance forms such as Open Floor, 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Biodanza, Open Hearts Dance with Anaïs, etc. This to ensure a base that allows you to deepen your experience.
Embodied Sexuality programs are for those who : * are looking to cultivate erotic intelligence and expand their capacity to love life * are interested in an embodied and healthy exploration of their sexuality * want to unpack the multilayered dynamics of attraction and attachment, as well as the cultural and social conditioning that inform our personal and collective stories, both past and present * want to intentionally connect through movement with the source of their desires to experience greater fulfillment and satisfaction in relationships of all kinds * want to harness the energy of libido for creative pursuits.
LIBIDO FUNDAMENTALS is a pre-requisite to the Open Floor Teacher Training.
Monika Körschner is an accredited 5Rhythms® and OpenFloor teacher and teaches dance as a conscious practice in the Netherlands and abroad for over more than 20 years. The last 12 years she specialized in Embodied & Conscious Sexuality.
Venue : Monte Maravhilas Saõ Martinho das Amoreiras (Alentejo – Portugal)
Energy Exchange :
Prices exclude food and accommodation.
– price before the 15th of January : 218€ – price after the 15th of January : 238€
If you experience financial difficulties, we offer 3 spots on supported price. Priority is given to local dancers. If you wish to contribute to the solidarity funds, to lower the costs for those with low income, your gifts is most welcome.
Lunch :
We will share a potluck lunch everyday on-site, in Casa Amarella. Each participant bring food to share. For people coming for abroad, there is a mini-market in the village and we will help to provide what is needed.
10€ / night in your own tent or van. Access to sanitary, hot shower and kitchen. 80€ / 4 nights (Thursday to Sunday nights) in a beautiful shared house Casa Amarella (1 double bed, 4 single bed in twin room). If you want to book a bed in this house, please reach out early.
All over-night guests have access to the swimming pool.
Monte Maravilhas
Registration form
The group is full. We don’t take registration anymore. Thank you for your interest.
Registration and Cancellation Policy
Registration is required to participate to the workshop. You are definitively registered when you have filled the form for registration. Then you will receive a confirmation of your registration with the details for the payment, and later you will receive an email with further practical information.
Payment is made by via PayPal or via bank transfer.
Please consider your registration carefully, as cancellation fees apply if you cannot come or changed your mind.
If you cancel, regardless of the reason, the cancellation conditions below apply :
At all times, regardless of the reason for cancellation (including Covid19 reasons) : a cancellation fee of € 50 applies.
Cancellation less than a month before the workshop : 25% of the workshop price
Cancellation less than 2 weeks before the workshop : 50% of the workshop price
Early termination of the workshop and/or missing classes : no refund possible.
Please cancel via e-mail, SMS or telephone with Anaïs.
Should there be a waiting list and someone from that list can join, or you find someone to take your spot, you will only pay the cancellation fee of €50.
If there are insufficient registrations, the workshop can be cancelled up to 1 or 2 weeks before the start. The amount paid will then be fully refunded. This also applies if the workshop is cancelled for other reasons.
Sunday 26th of November 6pm-8pm Monte Maravilhas São Martinho das Amoreiras +/-20€ (adjusted to your financial reality)
Reservation necessary (at least 24h before please)
Blindfolded dance is a direct gateway to meet ourselves in a profound and raw authenticity.
In the potent space of darkness, we are revealed to ourselves in full light, encountering the whispers of our heart & soul, our longings, needs, limitations,… A more truthfull way to move and interact emerges.
I am pleased to co-create another safe and gentle container to explore by yourself or in connection, with the enchanting live soundscapes of Yoav.
Sliding scale : 15-25 € (adjusted to your financial reality)
Zsofi :
I am a massage and dance therapist and a musician. I learnt dance therapy and many different conscious bodywork during the last 17 years. I have been working as a therapist, giving workshops and retreats since 2008 combining traditional tools with intuition and sound therapy. As a musician, beside playing in different bands, I have been practising the healing aspects of sound during the last 10 years by offering sound-journey concerts, sound massages, and learning and working in the Voice Being – Unlearning school with Shai Dayan. http://matanamusic.com https://youtu.be/16ki4Hky_Zo
Anaïs :
I am a dance space weaver opening the field for more dance and movement in Alentejo since 2017. I love facilitating poetic and transformative journeys through many channels, always rooted in our body wisdom and presence. I am passionate about energy flows and connection to Spirit through movement and touch. I am a certified shiatsuki since 2008, educated or intiated in ancient holistic practices such as Traditional Chinese Medecine, core shamanism, and and ancient form of tantra from Kashmir. I offer my gifts as a space holder, channel, poet, bodyworker and birthkeeper. I am an afropean queer mother of 2 children. www.anaistamen.com soundcloud.com/anais_openhearts
live music blindfolded dance journey into softness
with Zsofi and Anaïs Wednesday 19th of October 6.00-8.30pm A Mandorla Boa Vista dos Pinheiros
Next Wednesday, we are opening again the space for a deep and subtle journey through our inner landscapes, supported by the magic powers of sound and music.
We will explore and activate the main energy centers of our physical body, through voicing, moving and gentle self-touch, and we safely journey into the infinite womb of darkness trough a blindfolded dance journey, remembering our primal instincts of listening and sensing through other channels.
Our wish is to create a safe space for self-exploration and connection to on self, to others, and to the vastness.
We invite receptivity, gentleness, and all colours, all shapes, that our energy wants to explore and embrace in the now.
Heart gift : Sliding scale 15-25 € (adjusted to your financial reality)
Zsofi :
I am a massage and dance therapist and a musician. I learnt dance therapy and many different conscious bodywork during the last 17 years. I have been working as a therapist , giving workshops and retreats since 2008 combining traditional tools with intuition and sound therapy. As a musician, beside playing in different bands, I have been practising the healing aspects of sound the last 10 years by offering sound-journey concerts, sound massages, and learning and working in the Voice Being – Unlearning school with Shai Dayan. http://matanamusic.com https://youtu.be/16ki4Hky_Zo
Anaïs :
I am a dance space weaver opening the field for more dance and movement in Alentejo since 2017. I love facilitating poetic and transformative journeys through many channels, always rooted in our body wisdom and presence. I am passionate about energy flows and connection to Spirit, through movement, shiatsu, core shamanism and ancient form of tantra. I offer my gifts as a space holder, channel, poet, bodyworker, birthkeeper and mother of 2 children. www.anaistamen.com