Rooted in Belonging

Rooted in Belonging
A grief ritual in movement held by Rivi Marcus and Anaïs Tamen

Sunday 27rd of November
Monte Maravilhas 
São Martinho das Amoreiras 

In these times calling for radical authenticity, we wish to tend and nourish the loving courage to go towards what we know is deeply needed. To give time to grieve, rest, heal, get supported and support.

Our offering to you is to open and hold a safe space to honor our stories and witness each other in the powerful practices of grief and movement. We will do this through Joanna Macys and Malidoma Somé work, Authentic movement, and other Earth-based practices. 

We will travel through our heart’s landscapes and explore the undercurrents of our life, compost what does not serve us any longer, and use it to fertilize and grow our precious gifts to the world. 

All this to reclaim and nourish our own wisdom and what we truly care about, practice staying in our hearts, and embody what we most want to call in.



Reservation necessary via :
Anaïs @openheartsdance
+351 966 486 923
+33782269919 (T/S/W)

or Rivi @Rivimarcus
+17203269290 (T/S/W)

Energy exhange :

Sliding scale 30-60€ adjusted to your financial reality (please reach out if you experience financial scarcity).

More info about us :
